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The Homeless Remembrance Blanket Project is held yearly on December 21st, the day we not only think of those who live unstably housed, but also those who die that way. The blanket project has been displayed in Carlisle PA, and at the Capitol in Washington D.C. and Harrisburg, PA.


Generous blanket makers knit, crochet, and quilt warm blankets for total strangers who are unhoused or living in transitional housing. Each year, the blankets are locally distributed to those in need.



We need handmade blankets delivered to:

SEPA Synod Offices,

Brossman Center, United Lutheran Seminary by December 15th OR

Independence Mall by December 21st at 9am



Local organizations who aid unhoused, transitionally housed, or populations in need:

You may reserve blankets for pickup December 21st at 5pm.

Email for more details.