Arlene Baumann
Beth Cahall
Lisa Fortwangler
Mary Anne Rossi (President of Altar Guild)
Lynda Sadusky (Chairperson)
Rick Vanstone (Organist/Director)
1) Face masks must be worn at all times while at the church for both outside and inside worship.
2) Only two doors will be open: one at the top of the ramp and the other at the stairs from the parking lot. All other doors will be locked and you are asked not to use them to enter the building
3) When entering the building you will be asked to use the hand sanitizer provided.
4) You will then be asked to look at the symptoms that possibly indicate covid. If you have any of these symptoms we ask that you return home and worship with us on line on our new website or on facebook. Please be sure to get tested if you have any of the possible symptoms or if you think you have been exposed.
5) Please sign in each person as you come in so we can maintain a record of who is present at each worship service. Then pick up a bulletin that will be placed on the table. On communion weeks you will also pick up an individual prepackaged communion juice and wafer.
6) Please maintain the recommended social distancing of 6 feet, refrain from hugging, hand shaking or other contact.
7) Places to sit will be marked in chalk for outside worship and with tape for inside worship. Please sit in one of the marked spots so that we will be safely distanced when seated. If you are coming as a family, you do not need to be socially distanced and may sit together, but please stay safely distanced from the people around you.
8) If you need to use the restroom, please use the ones near the ramp door where you enter. The downstairs is closed off until the covid virus dissipates.
9) We will not be able to sing when Rick plays the hymns. We will not be able to speak in unison which means no congregational Amen, Thanks be to God, Lord’s prayer or other responses can be said out loud. Thus we have been slowly working on sign language to learn those responses. If you are interested in learning the sign language you can go on line Bill Vicars - Learn ASL
10) Please be patient and flexible as we navigate and adapt to in person worship during the pandemic.
11) Fill out and return the survey as soon as possible to ensure that you have a voice in how we will worship at this point in time and that your spiritual needs will be addressed.