Your Altar Guild Team

Pat Davis
Elaine Fisher
Lisa Fortwangler
Laura Nance
Karen Park (Treasurer)
Mary Anne Rossi (President)
Sue Trent
Lynda Sadusky (Secretary)


Weekly Set-Up for Service
  1. Fair linen (symbolizes burial of Christ's body)
  2. Paraments - colors of the day
  3. Missal Stand (book rest for Altar book) - place slightly to the left side of Altar at an angle
  4. Christ candle (Paschal candle) - place either side of altar or in back of baptismal font, lit for baptisms, for seasons of Christ (white Sundays) and festival Sundays
Set Up Eucharist (Holy Communion)

Note: When Communion is served the baptismal font should be filled with water (1/3 to 1/2)

Flagon - holds wine, do not fill beyond 3/4 to avoid dripping, handle to the right

Chalice (two types)

  1. Chalice - used for common cup or intinction
  2. Pouring Chalice (this is the one we use) - second Pouring Chalice or a smal flagon or cruet can be used for grape juice

Corporal (white square material) - placed in the center of the Altar over the fair linen (a clear plastic is placed under the corporal to avoid staining the fair linen)

Setting the Table - using two Chalices

  1. Place filled Flagon center back - handle facing right
  2. Place two Chalices to left and right, slightly in front of Flagon, cover with purificator (linen cloth with red cross in center - proper folding is in thirds both ways)
  3. Place paten holding the host in the center slightly in front of two Chalice's (if bread - wrap loosely in linen cloth)
  4. Place lavabo bowl (usually placed on the credence table) - can be placed right of elements and covered with lavabo towel)

Setting the Table - using one Chalice

  1. Place filled Flagon center back - handle facing right
  2. When using bread - place Chalice in front of Flagon, cover with purificator and place paten holding bread to left front of Flagon
  3. When using wafers - place Chalice in front of Flagon, cover with purificator and place paten on top of Chalice, cover with pall

If a more formal setting is desired - a burse and veil can be used

  1. Place veil over the pall, and burse over the veil with the front of the burse facing the Pastor
  2. Extra purificators can be placed inside the burse

When using a ciborium (the covered vessel that holds the host wafers)

  1. It is usually placed on the credence table or next to the paten under the veil

Veil - cover all elements with veil cross side facing out, extend front of veil across Altar even with the edge

Note - non-elements do not get covered with the veil, ex. lavabo bowl


  1. Fill baptismal font about 1/3 to 1/2 with warm water
  2. Place baptismal napkin on font to left side
  3. Place oil vial on font to left side, remove cap
  4. Place certificate, box for candle and baptismal shell next to font or in first pew
  5. Place baptismal candle on the Christ Candle stand